Sex: Female / Age: 2 years / Size: Medium
🐾 Playful, shy, social
💥Energy level: medium
🐈 Can be tested with cats
🐕 Good with other dogs
👶 Can be tested with children
👽 Good with new people, but a little shy
❄ What makes Zarah special: her beautiful eyes!
Introducing Zarah, a beautiful rescue dog seeking her forever home!
Zarah was found on the middle of the road by an animal lover when she was a tiny puppy. She had been hit by a car, but luckily she hadn't broken anything and she just needed a safe haven to recover from the ordeal. A local rescuer took her in and raised her, and tried to find a home for her, but no-one in Turkey wanted her..
Over a year on, Zarah still hadn't received a single interest, so we invited her to move in to our enclosure, in the hopes that with some extra exposure she will finally be able to find the home she so deserves!
With her brindle coat and captivating eyes, Zarah is a true beauty. But this stunning girl not just a pretty face – she's a gentle soul and a real sweetheart. Although initially timid and shy, Zarah blossoms into a loyal and affectionate dog once she knows she can trust you.
Zarah is a little reserved, and needs to know she can trust you before she opens up, but once she feels safe, she is a very sweet dog with a happy, cheerful personality and a playful character. She excitedly runs up to greet us every morning at the start of the day, and then spends the rest of the day playing with her kennel mates. Zarah gets along well with other dogs and would benefit from living in a home with another stable, social dog who can show her the ropes and help her build her self confidence. She doesn't like sharing her food with other dogs, but happily shares her sleeping space and toys with her friends.
Zarah needs a calm, stable home with a family who can show her the love and patience she needs to learn that she is safe. Once she realises she doesn't have to be scared anymore, her cheerful, playful character can come out!
By choosing to make Zarah a part of your family, you will be truly transforming her life. Adopt Zarah and witness the transformation of this timid beauty into a confident and cherished member of your household.
Zarah is currently in Turkey and is ready to travel to the UK or the EU.