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Sponsor A Dog

​Can you help us with a regular donation for one of our dogs?


Why do we need your help?


Every week we find more puppies in need of our help on the streets of Turkey. We are a growing shelter but we can only help a fixed number of dogs at any one time. Every time a dog finds his or her forever home, we can rescue another who needs our help.  

We rely on donations and sponsorships to feed the dogs, pay vet bills and to contribute to relocation costs. Your support makes an enormous difference to the lives of our dogs.​​​


Why sponsor one of our dogs?


Melez Dog Rescue is quite unique in that Lisanne spends every day with the dogs. She has looked after them since they arrived at the shelter and, quite often, that's since they were just puppies! She knows each one individually; what makes them tick, what their favourite toy is, who their best friends are.


That's why sponsoring a dog at Melez can be so rewarding. Once you have chosen your dog, the updates, photos, videos you receive will be directly from Lisanne. Each month, you will find out exactly what your dog has been up to, and you'll be inundated with cute photos and videos of your dog. You'll feel like you know him or her as well as Lisanne does! â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹


What happens if your dog is adopted?


Great news! Your dog finally found his or her forever home!

If this happens, we would love to have your continued support and therefore you will have the option to switch your sponsorship over to a different dog.​


Not sure about a long term commitment? You can cancel ANY time by just sending us an e-mail. You can also alter the amount you donate each month by just letting us know.​

Shelter Sponsorship​


If you don't want to pick just one dog to sponsor then you can choose to sponsor our shelter by paying a weekly / monthly amount of your choice.

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